I Did the Unthinkable and Thrived - Digital Business Growth, LLC


I Did the Unthinkable and Thrived

Your website should not only be a stunning display of your business but also functional to capitalize on turning visitors into customers. During this second stage of the process, which happens during week 2 of the web design project, we provide a design that captures the attention of your visitors quickly. Our priority is to have your website visitors immediately identify what your company does and compel them to take action which contributes to better conversion rates.

I Did the Unthinkable and THRIVED!

Since owning my first business in 2008 on Philadelphia’s infamous South St. at the age of 23, I knew entrepreneurship was a journey I would always be on however in this season I was too tired to fight the same fight, both internally and with my wife and I knew I was on the verge of quitting…

Since owning my first business in 2008 on Philadelphia’s infamous South St. at the age of 23, I knew entrepreneurship was a journey I would always be on however in this season I was too tired to fight the same fight, both internally and with my wife and I knew I was on the verge of quitting…

Have You Ever Hit Rock Bottom?

In the fall of 2022, I was living in Los Angeles, California, the city of sunshine and good vibes but instead my days were dreary and I was down to my last straw before the life that I knew could soon be over.

Since owning my first business in 2008 on Philadelphia’s infamous South St. at the age of 23, I knew entrepreneurship was a journey I would always be on however in this season I was too tired to fight the same fight, both internally and with my wife and I knew I was on the verge of quitting

My wife was less than half a step out the door of our marriage and she was taking our two beautiful children with her. You could cut the tension in our house with a butter knife as responses were short, faces were always serious and eye contact was few and far in between. This was not a surprise given our marriage seemed to be rocky off and on for what seemed to be our entire 8 year marriage.

But this time I was at the end of my rope.

Instead of maneuvering my way back onto what I thought was solid ground in our relationship as I have in the past,  I instead, with my hands quivering and thoughts racing, took the most attractive yet frightening offer, I’ve ever received in my life.

It was something my wife certainly didn’t expect me to do. But I as I do in the swimming, jumped all in.

What did I do you may be asking? What is this unthinkable act?


Yes, I said it. I quit.

I was always taught that quitters never win and winners never quit however when I decided to quit trying to look the part no matter what I knew and instead be the part no matter how I looked i instantly won.  I turned away from everything I thought I knew in exchange for truth and it was one of the greatest victories I’ve ever experienced in my life.

I quit thinking I knew what it took to be a great husband to my wife

I quit thinking I knew what it took to be a great father to my children

I quit thinking I knew what it took to be a successful business owner

As a result, I’ve discovered a 4 step process that has allowed my wife and I to make business decisions together, grow our income over 90% in the past year and put us on a path to to profitably operating in our purpose with our children engaged.

What’s the 4 step process?

  1. Story – What story are you telling to your customers and employees but more importantly what story are you telling yourself?
  2. Service – We’ve all been born with a unique gift to serve to the world, what can you uniquely deliver and what audience is starving to have it?
  3. Structure – A clear vision is never accomplished without boundaries. Having the proper structure ensures your vision is protected from distractions and the irrelevant
  4. Strategy – Now that you have a designated lane for your vehicle, you can map out the best route and ensure you’re prepared in advance for the journey

You see, when I decided to focus on loving others I also decided to prioritize my character.

  • Before my ego
  • Before what my low self esteem could conjure up
  • Even before my social media profile

This led to me discovering this framework that was right in front of me the last 15 years. The same principles the top 1% of Fortune 500 companies are using that you, the business owner, have access to thrive.

There are deeper conversations that are to be had with this framework and it continues to lead me to new levels of success in my marriage, my role as a father and in my business. I am privileged and honored to be standing here on the other side of the wall I was trapped behind to tell you, it’s available for you too!

Here’s to the walls hindering your success in business and in life being demolished!

So, what are you waiting for? Book a FREE strategy session with us today so we understand your specific needs and see if we can’t help you develop a complete road map for your business’ growth. 

It’s time to start living that life you’ve always dreamed of!

If you want to learn more. Schedule a free strategy session with me where we’ll discuss a initial roadmap to acccomplish your next best or most important goal.