
Building Community through Customer Acquisition

The Power of Community

In the realm of business, every single relationship matters, especially when it comes to building a community. Giants like Apple and Google understand this better than anyone. Both have fostered communities where customers are not just consumers of their products and services, but also advocates and promoters of their brand. Through strategic and intentional customer acquisition, they have been able to leverage community to not only sustain but grow their market dominance.

When we look closely, we find that Apple and Google, though operating in the tech industry, have created unique community experiences around their brands. They actively invest in customer acquisition, understanding that every new customer is a potential addition to their brand community. They cater to individual needs, supply solutions, and offer platforms where customers can connect, learn, and grow with the brand. This has led to powerful brand loyalty and advocacy, significantly contributing to their success. Borrowing from their playbook, let’s delve into how businesses, especially those offering niche services, can build a thriving community through strategic customer acquisition.

Building Community through Customer Acquisition

Building a thriving community is a powerful way to foster brand loyalty and advocacy amongst customers. For business owners providing niche services, especially those earning over $100,000 a year in revenue, there’s a vast potential to grow a community that resonates with your brand’s values and offerings. Here’s how you can strategically grow your community, keeping your target audience.

This if for business owners like those interested in broadening their impact, those needing to sharpen their business acumen, and those who benefit from elimination of distractions—at the heart of your efforts.

Growth Strategies for a Targeted Niche

Focusing on a niche service is the starting point. The goal is to understand the evolving desires and needs of your customer and adapt your services organically. This approach not only enhances trust but also positions your brand as the go-to solution within your niche.

Engagement Activities:

  • Webinars and Live Events: Host webinars or live events tailored to business owners, focusing on topics that offer tangible value and actionable insights to grow their business while balancing lifestyle.
  • Social Media: Leverage platforms where business owners spend their time, engaging them with content that breaks their scroll and captures attention.
  • Educational Platforms: Utilize platforms like Skool and other education-focused platforms to create a continuous learning environment and cement your brand’s authority in the niche.

Measuring the Success of Community Growth

Success metrics should align closely with the nature of your growth strategy, focusing on the depth of customer relationships and the value exchanged. Metrics that matter include:

  • Transactions per customer
  • Average transaction amount
  • Customer commitment duration
  • Customer lifecycle in years and in transactions
  • Total spend per customer over their lifecycle with your brand
  • Conversion rates from first contact to purchase

Content Strategy to Attract and Engage

Your content strategy needs to revolve around conversations that intrigue and educate, disrupting the usual patterns to make owners like Brad, Mary, and Marcus stop and think. This can include:

  • Curated Blog Posts: Share stories of business breakthroughs, learning from failures, and how to systematically approach growth.
  • How-To Guides: Provide step-by-step guidelines or tips for business optimization, emphasizing actions for a balanced workload.
  • Testimonials and Case Studies: Share success stories highlighting how your services have impacted others’ businesses and personal lives.

Detailed Customer Profiles for Personalized Engagement

Understanding customer profiles allows for personalized engagement:

  • Do you serve business owners interested in broadening their impact? If so, identify the broader impact of their services. Content and engagement should demonstrate the long-term brand potential they provide beyond revenue.
  • Serving someone needing to sharpen their business acumen? Someone who connects well but underperforms financially due to strategic misdirection. Provide material designed that aims at sharpening business acumen, profitability, and setting actionable goals that are realistic.
  • Providing service for those who benefit from elimination of distractions and are in need of a clearer day-to-day vision? Events or programs for someone like this should eliminate distractions and prioritize actions. Content might include prioritization techniques or identifying premature investments to avoid.


Growing a customer-centered community means tailoring your approach to the unique profiles. You can use the ones mentioned above but ideally you are creating your own user profile based upon the type of customer you attract.

Through strategic content delivery, thoughtful engagement, and meaningful metrics, you will not only capture attention but also secure loyalty and advocacy for your brand. Remember, the strength of a community is not just in its numbers but in the value and engagement each member experiences. Keep your focus on delivering this, and your community growth will reflect the effort.

Additional Tips for Building Community:

  • Host events or workshops in collaboration with other businesses or organizations that share your target audience.
  • Leverage user-generated content by encouraging customers to share their experiences and testimonials on social media.
  • Create a referral program to incentivize current community members to bring in new customers.
  • Partner with influencers or industry experts who can help amplify your message and reach a larger audience.
  • Offer exclusive perks or benefits to community members, such as discounts, early access to new products or services, or personalized support.
  • Continuously listen to and engage with your community members to understand their evolving needs and preferences. By staying connected and responsive, you can build a stronger sense of trust and loyalty within your community.
  • Don’t be afraid to try new things and experiment with different strategies. The key is to always keep your target audience in mind and make decisions that align with their values and needs.
  • Finally, remember that building a community takes time and effort. It’s important to be patient and consistent in your approach, as trust and loyalty cannot be built overnight. Keep showing up for your community and providing value, and you will see the growth and impact of your efforts over time. So keep pushing forward and continue to foster a thriving community that supports your brand’s success. Remember, it’s not just about building a business, but also creating meaningful connections with those who believe in your brand and its mission. Let that be your driving force as you navigate

So, what are you waiting for? Book a FREE strategy session with us today so we understand your specific needs and see if we can’t help you develop a complete road map for your business’ growth. 

It’s time to start living that life you’ve always dreamed of!

If you want to learn more. Schedule a free strategy session with us and we’ll discuss a initial roadmap to acccomplish your next best or most important goal.


Vision and Leadership: The Twin Engines of Business Scaling

The Journey of Scaling Success

In the bustling hive of the entrepreneurial world, two types of business owners tread their paths full of dreams and aspirations. One, kept afloat by success, sails smoothly across the seas of commerce; while the other, with sails beaten, faces the relentless storm of unfulfilled potential.

Among these daring voyagers are those who started their companies with a spark of control over their time and income. Their goal was not just to build an empire, but a kingdom where they could reign with contentment and prosperity. Hence, the holy grail of scaling a business often became elusive—an endeavor certain to be filled with sacrifice and missteps.

Vision and Leadership: The Twin Engines of Business Scaling

In the restless dance of commerce, the pursuit of scale is often likened to a holy grail. It’s the moment in a business’s narrative where growth transitions from a hopeful possibility to an operational imperative. But scaling a business isn’t just about fancy math or an influx of cash; it’s about fostering an environment where clear vision and unwavering leadership come together to propel that business toward its goals. In my exploration, we’ll peel back the layers of this complex process and see why vision and leadership are not merely desirable attributes but essential fuels in the fires of enterprise growth.

The Role of Vision in Scaling

A visionary’s most potent asset is their invincible imagination, which, when concentrated on a singular idea, has the potency to redefine reality. A robust company vision is like a compass in a fog, offering unflinching direction even when it’s hard to see the path ahead. Take for example Elon Musk’s vision for sustainable energy and space exploration. It’s the North Star that bureaucrats and boardrooms align with as they translate grand designs into practical steps. It’s this kind of visionary zeal that transforms mundane businesses into industry titans.

Envisioning The Future

Companies that scale effectively have leadership that doesn’t just think about next year’s profit margins. They’re building towards a distant horizon, one that competitors can’t yet see. Look at how Amazon’s relentless pursuit of customer centricity has allowed it to expand into industries nobody could have predicted it would dominate. Their trajectory was set by a leader with a vision for a marketplace that’s so vast that most companies still can’t fathom the scope of their ambition. This quality of vision is infectious, breeding not just growth but also a loyal following of employees and investors who believe in the journey.

The Importance of Leadership

Leadership is the force that turns a vision from a daydream into a profitable reality. It’s the invisible hand that coordinates vast resources, aligns diverse efforts, and manages the seismic shifts that come with growth. Great leaders are like conductors, harmonizing the orchestra of an organization to play the same tune, moving in the same direction with the same fervor.

The Heart of Leadership

Leaders who excel in driving scale possess qualities that transcend traditional management skills. They are empathetic, capable of seeing the world from the perspectives of their team. They are communicative, capable of compelling with their words and translating the high-minded visions into grounded actions. Most importantly, they serve. It’s a paradox that the most powerful leaders in history have been those who’ve identified themselves not at the helm but in the service of their followers. They lead, not for their own aggrandizement, but for the realization of a vision that they and their team hold, heart and soul.

Challenges and Pitfalls

Scaling without vision is like trying to build a house without a blueprint. It might go up, but it probably won’t be what you hoped for. Compromising a vision in the name of expediency can lead to misdirection, inefficiency, and, ultimately, failure. And even with a clear vision, poor leadership can cast a shadow over even the most well-conceived business strategies. When leaders are absent, indecisive, or uncommunicative, the vacuum that’s left can be filled with infighting, stagnation, and a loss of momentum. I’ve seen fledgling businesses crumble under the weight of their own ambition, lacking not in potential or resources but rather in the direction and discipline that strong leadership provides.

Navigating the Growth Spurt

Scaling brings with it a host of challenges—keeping an eye on cash flow, maintaining the quality of products or services, fending off competitors, the list goes on. But the most formidable challenge of all is preserving the spirit of the founding vision amidst the whirlwind of change. It’s a balancing act of staying true to the founding principles that ushered in growth while being flexible enough to adapt to new realities. Leaders who are adept at this juggling act are the ones who guide their companies to sustained success.

Success Stories

The intersection of vision and leadership is the stage for some of the most inspiring entrepreneurial tales. Look at how Steve Jobs’ uncompromising commitment to user experience reshaped the technology industry. Or how Howard Schultz’s vision of a “third place” between home and work forged Starbucks into a global community hub. In these stories, we see the alchemy that occurs when a potent vision is paired with leadership that can make it a reality.

Visionaries in the Vanguard

Leaders who have successfully scaled their companies understand that the magic isn’t just in the idea; it’s in the execution. They’ve learned to communicate their vision clearly and persuasively to a broad audience. They’ve built teams capable of weathering the storms that come with growth. They’ve engineered cultures that sustain motivation and innovation over the long haul. And they’ve done it all with an unyielding focus on the original vision that sparked their ascent.


Scaling a business demands more than a growth strategy and a solid financial plan. It requires leaders with the foresight to envision a future that doesn’t yet exist and the fortitude to guide their organizations there. Scaling is an incredible feat, a delicate blend of art and science, of vision and reality. And for the business owners and would-be titans out there, the message is clear—invest in your vision, nurture your leadership, and watch as your business breaks free of its restraints and takes flight. It’s not just about growing bigger; it’s about becoming something greater. So keep your eyes on the North Star, and let it guide you towards success.

Keep Dreaming Big

The journey of scaling a business is not an easy one, but it’s worth every challenge and obstacle when you have a clear vision and strong leadership at the helm. As entrepreneurs, we must continue to dream big and push the boundaries of what is possible. Who knows, your company could be the next industry titan in the making. So don’t be afraid to think outside the box and set your sights on a distant horizon. After all, every great success story started with a dream and a leader who dared to turn that dream into reality. Let your vision guide you toward greatness and inspire others to follow in your footsteps. The future belongs to those who see it first. So, keep dreaming and keep leading the way towards a brighter tomorrow.

So, what are you waiting for? Book a FREE strategy session with us today so we understand your specific needs and see if we can’t help you develop a complete road map for your business’ growth. 

It’s time to start living that life you’ve always dreamed of!

If you want to learn more. Schedule a free strategy session with me where we’ll discuss a initial roadmap to acccomplish your next best or most important goal.


Are Business Websites Dead in 2024?

I was shell-shocked...

At a moment’s notice I began to question all of the hard work that I’ve put in the last 6 months to a year to relaunch our web design product. It seemed I was at the peak of my excite until I spoke to my mentor.  My mentor is a well established and ultra successful who new what Digital Business Growth offered and understood the journey that I’ve been and am currently on however when he made this statement, I questioned everything I’ve done up to this point.

Websites Are Dead???

My mentor said this statement boldly and without hesitation:

“Websites are DEAD.”

I had no response, no rebuttal, only a blank stare that he could probably hear over the phone. I immediately began to question myself:

  • the time and money I put into my own website’s experience
  • the research we as a team at Digital Business Growth were putting in for the future of this department
  • the level of excitement I had and the energy I was sowing into our web team


But like the air of a balloon in contact with a popcorn ceiling, all of the excitement I was filled with instantly disintegrated.

This in turn have led me to do some soul searching. Have you ever asked or thought to yourself:

  1. Am I ignoring the signs of failure and just too stubborn to quit?
  2. Am I putting my ego and personal agenda before the needs of my customers?


If you’ve answered yes, you’re not alone. If you haven’t asked these questions then today is a good day to start lol.

This has led me to address the elephant in the room and I was and still willing to make the right decision based upon the needs of my target audience. People like yourself, who desire to avoid or overcome burnout and have the time, energy, and money for a fulfilling family life and things they enjoy!

Here it is…

…”In this fast-paced, social media driven, digital world of 2024, does my business still need a website?”

This question, despite sounding reasonable amidst the rapid digital evolution, has a simple answer – An emphatic “YES!” and I am here to prove it to you.

A well-structured website is not merely an online presence for your brand. It’s a critical vehicle of the customer journey, offering a focused platform where prospects can explore your offerings. Thanks to AI technology integration, websites today can significantly personalize the user experience, boosting engagement and conversion rates.

A website is a powerful tool for attracting warm leads – individuals already interested in your brand and more likely to engage with your content. Remember, when people search for a product or service online, they usually head straight to business websites.

A robust website offers a compelling competitive edge. It is the bridge that connects prospects to your brand story and mission, elements often forgotten or diluted in the fluctuating algorithms of social media platforms.

Renowned sources such as HubSpot, The Hired Guns, Bluehost, and Forbes affirm the indispensability of websites in modern business operations. Fortune companies, epitomes of forward-thinking strategy, continue to leverage their websites for customer engagement, credibility establishment, and captivating story narration.

As we navigate the digital landscape of 2024, websites have transitioned from mere sales tools to platforms designed to nurture long-lasting customer relationships. Your website is the cornerstone of your digital identity, a sanctuary for relationship building, away from the noise of social media.

Our conclusion is clear and simple – your business needs a website in 2024, perhaps more now than ever before. If you’re considering creating or revamping your website, our team is equipped and eager to lend our expertise for this essential journey. Each web design assignment we take on comes with a brainstorming session so that you know exactly how your website translate into business profits. CLICK HERE to learn more about our web design services and good luck on your journey to online relevancy.

Best Regards,


PS. If you haven’t already click here to subscribe to our newsletter where we dive deep into the 4-Step path used by the top 1% that avoids burnout and provides the time, energy, and money for a fulfilling family life! See you on the other side

So, what are you waiting for? Book a FREE strategy session with us today so we understand your specific needs and see if we can’t help you develop a complete road map for your business’ growth. 

It’s time to start living that life you’ve always dreamed of!

If you want to learn more. Schedule a free strategy session with me where we’ll discuss a initial roadmap to acccomplish your next best or most important goal.


I Did the Unthinkable and Thrived

I Did the Unthinkable and THRIVED!

Since owning my first business in 2008 on Philadelphia’s infamous South St. at the age of 23, I knew entrepreneurship was a journey I would always be on however in this season I was too tired to fight the same fight, both internally and with my wife and I knew I was on the verge of quitting…

Since owning my first business in 2008 on Philadelphia’s infamous South St. at the age of 23, I knew entrepreneurship was a journey I would always be on however in this season I was too tired to fight the same fight, both internally and with my wife and I knew I was on the verge of quitting…

Have You Ever Hit Rock Bottom?

In the fall of 2022, I was living in Los Angeles, California, the city of sunshine and good vibes but instead my days were dreary and I was down to my last straw before the life that I knew could soon be over.

Since owning my first business in 2008 on Philadelphia’s infamous South St. at the age of 23, I knew entrepreneurship was a journey I would always be on however in this season I was too tired to fight the same fight, both internally and with my wife and I knew I was on the verge of quitting

My wife was less than half a step out the door of our marriage and she was taking our two beautiful children with her. You could cut the tension in our house with a butter knife as responses were short, faces were always serious and eye contact was few and far in between. This was not a surprise given our marriage seemed to be rocky off and on for what seemed to be our entire 8 year marriage.

But this time I was at the end of my rope.

Instead of maneuvering my way back onto what I thought was solid ground in our relationship as I have in the past,  I instead, with my hands quivering and thoughts racing, took the most attractive yet frightening offer, I’ve ever received in my life.

It was something my wife certainly didn’t expect me to do. But I as I do in the swimming, jumped all in.

What did I do you may be asking? What is this unthinkable act?


Yes, I said it. I quit.

I was always taught that quitters never win and winners never quit however when I decided to quit trying to look the part no matter what I knew and instead be the part no matter how I looked i instantly won.  I turned away from everything I thought I knew in exchange for truth and it was one of the greatest victories I’ve ever experienced in my life.

I quit thinking I knew what it took to be a great husband to my wife

I quit thinking I knew what it took to be a great father to my children

I quit thinking I knew what it took to be a successful business owner

As a result, I’ve discovered a 4 step process that has allowed my wife and I to make business decisions together, grow our income over 90% in the past year and put us on a path to to profitably operating in our purpose with our children engaged.

What’s the 4 step process?

  1. Story – What story are you telling to your customers and employees but more importantly what story are you telling yourself?
  2. Service – We’ve all been born with a unique gift to serve to the world, what can you uniquely deliver and what audience is starving to have it?
  3. Structure – A clear vision is never accomplished without boundaries. Having the proper structure ensures your vision is protected from distractions and the irrelevant
  4. Strategy – Now that you have a designated lane for your vehicle, you can map out the best route and ensure you’re prepared in advance for the journey

You see, when I decided to focus on loving others I also decided to prioritize my character.

  • Before my ego
  • Before what my low self esteem could conjure up
  • Even before my social media profile

This led to me discovering this framework that was right in front of me the last 15 years. The same principles the top 1% of Fortune 500 companies are using that you, the business owner, have access to thrive.

There are deeper conversations that are to be had with this framework and it continues to lead me to new levels of success in my marriage, my role as a father and in my business. I am privileged and honored to be standing here on the other side of the wall I was trapped behind to tell you, it’s available for you too!

Here’s to the walls hindering your success in business and in life being demolished!

So, what are you waiting for? Book a FREE strategy session with us today so we understand your specific needs and see if we can’t help you develop a complete road map for your business’ growth. 

It’s time to start living that life you’ve always dreamed of!

If you want to learn more. Schedule a free strategy session with me where we’ll discuss a initial roadmap to acccomplish your next best or most important goal.